Saturday, August 19, 2006

At Loose Ends

Day two without the store. I'm not even sure what to think or feel.

Yesterday I felt free, but I also had some plans so I wasn't completely at loose ends. A very good strategy. Today my plans to hook up with a friend fell through, and I had no backup plans so Jack and I have been hanging out. And I've been seriously at loose ends.

I went grocery shopping yesterday morning morning and bought all kinds of healthy, fresh stuff excited that I would actually be home to eat it. I've been living on takeout sandwiches and salads for about two months now.

Then in the afternoon I took Jack and his friend Rex swimming at the reservoir in Spanish Fork (the only place I know of here that actually has a sandy beach for them to play on). Except for a week at Lake Geneva, I have offered Jack very little summer and it felt good to have time to take him swimming.

I was insensitive enough to ask Roger yesterday morning if he felt the same freedom I was feeling. He just stared at me. Then he reminded me about a job interview he had at 1:00 and his pending trip to Alabama for an intensive four-day class kicking off his masters of library science program. No breaks for him at all!

His job interview, which was actually a call-back interview for a librarian position at a great library, went well he thinks. They want to have a decision made by Monday. It would be amazingly serendipitous if he gets the job. Starting salary is respectable, good benefits, fabulous experience. But of course, we really shouldn't count our chickens, eh? If he doesn't get the job, at least he knows he's a serious contender for a position at that level.

I'll keep you posted!

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